Your Booking has been Completed
You will receive an EMAIL confirming your day and time shortly
If you have any questions or need to change your booking please give us a call
Calling Ahead
Please keep your Phone handy during the booking window as we always call 30 MINUTES before we are due to arrive. If we cannot reach you, your appointment may need to be re-booked.
Trusted Professionals
Your plumber will arrive in a dedicated, sign-written van wearing a full company uniform so you know they work for Fix It Right Plumbing.
Full Diagnosis
As part of our service, the plumbers will complete a Full Check of your whole plumbing system, to ensure everything is ok.
Booking Updates
Sometimes in plumbing things don’t always go to plan and we may need to re-book your appointment. We always call to let you know of any changes and will do our best to find a new day/time that suits you.
Membership Discounts
We also offer memberships that give you a 15% discount. The plumber will go through this with you in more detail when he they get to site.
Payment Options
The plumber is required to collect payment on completion of the job. You can pay by EFTPOS, Credit card or Cash. We also offer finance options.Emailed Receipt
Once payment has been finalised, a company receipt outlining all of the work completed will be emailed directly to you onsite through our professional app. Your job details are logged securely on our system so you know we always have a record of your job.
Still Got More Questions?
Why not check out our frequently asked questions?